Monday, November 17, 2008

Stale Bread Fresh Bread

This weekend was a good cooking weekend. I am fortunate to have been raised between two food geeks and their friends. As a result, their kitchens are well stocked, and I can have a field day whenever I come home. Saturday morning, my girlfriend helped me recycle a slightly stale baguette for breakfast. Its quick, cheap, delicious and filling. 
French Toast
+2 eggs
+1/2 cup milk
+pinch salt
(amount  of bread depends on type. Generally, stay away from breads with too much flavor, like sourdough)
+oil/buttered frying pan or skillet
Beat together eggs, milk, and salt. Pour mixture in a shallow flat dish and lay bread on top, a couple minutes for each side of the bread. While the slices of bread absorb the eggs, turn on medium heat under the skillet, and grease it with a small amount of either butter or cooking oil. I tend to use a very light layer of vegetable oil. Throw on the soaked bread, and fry, flip, fry until browned on both sides. Serve warm with syrup or fresh fruit or something. (finished product)
Worried about raw egg? As long as the eggs reach ~150°F or 65°C (significantly less than the boiling point of water), there is no risk of salmonella.


So having finished all the bread, we decided to replenish the stock. We made two baguette loaves as contribution to the meals we were invited to for lunch and dinner. Soon I'll put up a baguette recipe, photos included.

The rest of the weekend was filled with lots of home made food made by close friends and family.  Everyone came together through the common interest of good-tasting food. I hope that cooking more and encouraging my friends to cook as well, I can help foster more dialogue around food.

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